IBS & Gut Health Dietitian

Filtering by Tag: passionfruit

Grapefruit, Berry & Passionfruit juice

I had the pleasure of a gastro bug inhabiting my insides over the weekend - not fun!! As a result I feel pretty low in energy and in need if some serious nourishment! So what do you do when you need to get feel-good nutrients in ASAP? You juice!!! 20130305-173506.jpg


I was drinking this on my way to work this morning as people were driving past me with their coffee cups in hand.

20130305-173810.jpgNothing like a shot of vitamins flooding the system to make you feel alive again!

Grapefruit, berry & passionfruit juice

1 grapefruit 1/2 a fresh beetroot 1/3 of a cup frozen berries 1 passionfruit

Juice the grapefruit and beetroot. Pour juice into blender with berries and blend. Pour into glass and top with passionfruit!


Don't worry...the beetroot doesn't have any taste - all it does is add a beautiful colour to your juice and lips and add an extra boost of magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, and betaine - a compound that keeps your blood vessels healthy and reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease!

Yes please!

What is your favourite juice combination?

Tropical Sunrise Breakfast

20130204-152415.jpg You have to look twice at this photo or you'll think it's a dessert. It is in fact BREAKFAST. And YES it is healthy and dietitian-approved :)

20130204-152945.jpg This is the perfect recipe for those balmy Saturday mornings before strolling down to the beach, for wowing your overnight guests the next morning, or to impress your other half with breakfast in bed! It is so quick to make, tastes delicious and makes you feel like you've just woken up on a tropical island. Here's how:

Ingredients: 1 banana 1 passionfruit 1 tsp coconut oil 1/2 cup low fat Greek yoghurt 1 tsp maple syrup

Method: Heat pan on medium to high heat. Add coconut oil to pan. Slice banana in half lengthwise. Pan-fry the banana on both sides until golden. Serve with passionfruit, yoghurt & maple syrup.

20130204-153912.jpg The combination is magical - like a Hawaiian party in your mouth. Your body will love you too! Banana is the perfect fruit to fuel you up for the looong summer day ahead. Passionfruit has a long list of good-for-you ingredients. It is rich in vitamins A and C - powerful antioxidants that will keep you young and glowing! It is also rich in fibre which is great for keeping you regular and for fighting off those unwanted kilos. Low fat Greek yoghurt is high in protein and good bacteria to keep your muscles and tummy happy :)

This summer...inject some TROPICAL into your day - no matter where you are!
